Cue Pro Documentation

Installing the Plugin

Installing Cue Pro should be familiar if you have ever installed a plugin manually before.


  1. Download Cue Pro from the Downloads section in your account. The file saved to your computer will be named in this format: cuepro-{{version}}.zip.

If you don’t have an account, you will need to make a purchase first.

In Your WordPress Admin Panel

  1. Navigate to the Plugins → Add New screen
  2. Click the Upload link next to the “Add Plugins” screen title
  3. Click the button to find and select the plugin zip file you saved to your computer
  4. Click the Install Now button to upload and install it
  5. If the plugin installed successfully, you will see a link that says Activate Plugin — go ahead and click it

If you can’t find a zip file after downloading the plugin, it may have been unzipped by your browser automatically. This usually occurs when using Safari on Macs. You can either rezip the plugin folder, download the file with another browser, or read the instructions for changing that setting here.

Using Cue Pro

Purchase Links

With Cue Pro active, each track in a playlist can have an associated purchase link. To assign a purchase link:

  1. Navigate to Playlists → All Playlists in your admin panel
  2. Click an existing playlist to edit it
  3. Expand a track to edit its details

While viewing the track details, you will see a field for Purchase Text and another field for Purchase URL.

The purchase text is optional and defaults to “Buy,” otherwise you can enter custom text for the button, such as the price of the track. Try to keep the label short so it doesn’t cramp the playlist on mobile devices.

The purchase URL is required to make the button appear. Enter a URL where visitors can purchase the track.

Download Links

Each track may also have an associated download link that’s separate from the purchase link. This can be useful in cases where you want to offer a higher quality download than the audio file used for streaming, while also linking to a physical copy of the track for purchase.

To add a download link:

  1. Navigate to Playlists → All Playlists in your admin panel
  2. Click an existing playlist to edit it
  3. Expand a track to edit its details
  4. Enter a URL to a downloadable file in the Download URL field

The download button automatically shows up with an icon on the front end and can be used on its own or in conjunction with the purchase button.

Force Downloads

Most browsers attempt to preview common file types, which will cause audio links to begin playing when a visitor tries to download them. This can be confusing behavior, so a setting is available to encourage browsers to force a download instead.

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Customize
  2. Click the Cue Players section to expand it
  3. Check the “Force track downloads” checkbox

Enabling this setting adds a download attribute to track download links to indicate the resource should be downloaded instead of viewed. Not all browsers support the download attribute.


Playlists can be embedded on external sites by default. To disable embeds:

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Customize
  2. Click the Cue Players section to expand it
  3. Check the “Don’t allow playlists to be embedded” checkbox


Cue Pro includes additional themes for changing the appearance of core audio players in WordPress, as well as the custom player provided in Cue.

To change the appearance of the player displayed when using the [audio] shortcode in WordPress:

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Customize
  2. Click the Cue Players section to expand it
  3. Select a theme in the “Native Audio Theme” dropdown

To change the appearance of the Cue player:

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Customize
  2. Click the Cue Players section to expand it
  3. Select a theme in the “Default Cue Theme” dropdown


Track statistics can be viewed by navigating to Playlists → Insights in your admin panel.

Plays Per Day

The “Plays Per Day” graph shows the total number of plays that occurred on each day within the selected period (default is 7 days).

Plays Per Track

The “Plays Per Track” table shows the number of plays for the top 10 most played tracks within the selected period.

The table also presents a breakdown of how often each track was played all the way through or skipped. A “partial” listen usually occurs when the visitors paused the track, jumped to another track without pressing the skip button, or left the page before the track completed.

Hovering over each segment in the bar will show the percentage.


The “Chart” table compares popular tracks in the current period with the previous period to highlight changes in how visitors are interacting with your tracks.

Plays Per Page

The “Plays Per Page” table shows the pages on your site where visitors are interacting with your audio players the most.


A play is counted as soon as a visitor clicks the play button.

Tracks and pages are grouped by URL, but we attempt to show the track name or page title when possible. If the name or title can’t be determined the full URL may be shown instead.