Cue Pro

Cue Pro is an add-on for our popular Cue playlist management plugin. It provides insight in to how visitors are interacting with your tracks, including:

  • Number of plays
  • Number of listeners
  • Number of tracks listened to
  • Plays per day over a 7 day or 30 day period
  • Plays per track, including a breakdown of how often the entire track was listened to or whether it was skipped
  • Compare track performance to the previous period
  • Pages where visitors interact with your players

Cue Pro Insights

It even collects stats for native WordPress audio players and playlists!

Purchase & Download Links

In addition to stats, Cue Pro allows purchase and download links to be associated with each track. Point your visitors to digital retailers with purchase buttons. Or enter a URL to let them download the audio directly.

Cue Playlist Manager

Cue Pro Purchase Links in CueBar

Cue Pro is integrated with the players in each of our themes, CueBar, Billboard, and the default players in Cue.

Playlist Embeds

Playlists can also be embedded on external sites to allow fans to share your music and increase your audience.